Japanese interior design isn’t just about the aesthetics, it’s about the experience and the culture behind it. Traditional Japanese interiors are clean, minimalistic, and have simple and delicate elements to them. In order to achieve an authentic Japanese interior design in your own home, consider these principles that help make the interior design so appealing and popular among its people.
- Minimalism is key
While minimalism might not be a top priority for those living in Western countries, it plays a huge role in interior design. By only using things that are really necessary, the people of Japan are able to achieve a clean living space and thus show respect to every object they own. When designing your own home or office, think about how much you really need each object or piece of furniture and take away everything that is unnecessary. If you’re looking for ideas on how to declutter your space, there are tons of articles online that can give you more information about the subject.
- Flat surfaces are the way to go
When it comes to interior design, flat surfaces and rectangular shapes are the norm. While round, circular shapes can still be found in some areas, they are only used for traditional purposes or artistic usage instead of functional purposes. People who are designing their own home want it to flow smoothly and if there’s a round shape somewhere in your house, this isn’t going to happen. If you’re looking for inspiration for flat design, take a look at your favorite Japanese restaurant; they will all have an empty space in the middle where people can easily walk and comfortably enjoy their meal. People would really enjoy dining in a restaurant that has a calming atmosphere and quiet sounds instead of loud, distracting environments.
- Using neutral colors takes center stage
When it comes to interior design, almost every item is given a color. The colors used might not be the most vibrant colors out there but they simply portray the natural light and the surroundings of a particular area to help keep the room from being too bright or too dark. This means that you don’t have to feel restricted when designing your own home; pick any colors you want and make sure that you place furniture in a way that it complements each color.

- Asian style is only for the bedroom
In interior design, bedrooms are almost always given a different color; it makes sense since people want to be relaxed and comfortable in their sleeping area after all. Despite using colors for almost everything, for the most part, rooms in your home will still be given a neutral color palette so you can pick any colors you want. If you’re looking for inspiration for great bedroom colors, look into interior design blogs online; they have tons of great photos and ideas that can give you some ideas on what colors to use.
Interior design has been around for centuries and it has a lot of history behind it; it may be hard to apply the principles of Japanese interior design in your own home but if you want to make your guests feel as if they’re in a beautiful and elegant Japanese space, these principles are a great start.