The most common way to get water from a washing machine is to run the water drain line straight to the sewer line. This way, the water from your washing machine will join the water from your shower, sinks, and toilets. This is a great choice if you live in a house connected to the city sewer system. But if you have a septic system, it’s best to drain the water from your washing machine into a separate greywater system. This way, the water will be safely spread out underground. Lastly, drain the water from your washing machine into a utility sink in your laundry room. However, it would help if you only did this temporarily or in case of an overflow. In this blog we will know about washing machine drainage options. 

Where does the water that drains out of your washing machine go?

Whether your home is connected to a city sewer system or has a stand-alone septic system will determine where the water from your washing machine drains. If you don’t have a septic tank and your home is hooked up to the city sewer system, your washing machine drains into the sewer. This means the water from your washing machine goes down the same main sewer line as the water from your showers, tubs, sinks, and toilets.

Different washing machine drainage options

1. A Slop Sink (Utility Sink)

First in our list is washing machine drainage options is the utility sink and it’s not the only way to connect a channel hose to a machine washer. With this setup, the drain hose goes straight into a washbowl. Most of the time, the hose is swung over the side and then over the sink’s edge. There needs to be a big air hole between the end of the channel hose and the bottom of the sink. A hole lets air in and keeps dirty water from returning to your clothes washer.

Sometimes, the pipe size that goes from the sink to the washer may need to be bigger to handle how much water the washer uses. If so, the washbowl will overflow or overflow, and the water won’t drain. So, for one thing, ensure the sink is built to handle the steady flow of water from the washer. Also, if there is a sink sifter, it should be cleaned regularly or taken out. A clogged sink sifter could lead to flooding if the sink bowl floods. So, a slop sink can drain water from a washing machine.

2. Broken Drain Pipe

The best choice for washing machine drainage options is a separate group with a clothes washer channel hose. This means that the channel pipe is made to handle the kind of work or amount of water that is usually used by a clothes washer. Most of the time, a committed channel pipe is wider than a sink channel. It is likely to continue or get rid of. Another benefit is that it often connects at a higher level than the actual machine. A dedicated drain pipe is a good way to get water from a washing machine.

3. Tub for clothes

As a clothes washer seepage washing machine drainage options, using a clothing tub might be the best thing you can do. Most of the time, the clothes washer channel hose position is about 25 to 30 crawls above the ground. So, the clothes tub should be placed between 12 and 18 crawls away from the clothes washer. When the wash cycle goes, dirty water should be changed to clean water. This is needed to clean the clothes the right way. It is suggested as a way to drain by top manufacturers of clothes washers.

4. A Water Pipe

It is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to build a clothes washer leak framework. It is also a great way to save a lot of space. Put in a standpipe connected to the washing machine’s waste hose. This will make it easy to drain the used water from the machine. Ensure that the line is thick enough, preferably about 2 inches across, so that the water can flow through without a problem.

Putting in a standpipe is easy to do and get by with. You need to know the most important things about plumbing. But if you do, it will cost little to hire skilled handypersons to do this simple job. So, if you want a practical way to get rid of waste from the washing machine that saves you money and space, this is the best one.

5. Underground Line

If you plan to use your clothes washer for a long time in the same place, this connection could be a good choice. A connection to an underground line will be the best way to get rid of the water from your washer. The line will connect to the clothes washer’s drain hose and go down through the floor, pushing the used water out of the house.

This washing machine drainage options is optional if you are more interested in changing where you do your laundry. First, there are better choices than this because you must dig up your floor to set the line. To change the spot, you must uncover it again and take the line. So, think again about making this choice. No matter what kind of association you have, you should always follow the instructions for the washer bundle. Make sure to be careful about the length, height, materials, fittings, and design of the link. Poor depletion can happen if you can’t follow the suggested arrangement for setting up. When compressed wastewater is sucked out of a washer, even a small seepage can cause flooding in minutes.

Things to keep in mind

  • When you first set up your washing machine, you should know how important it is that the hose is in the right place and is the right length. The required height will always help to lower the chance that water will flood your room.
  • Replace the broken or worn-out belts on your washing machine right away.
  • Water will eventually spill out onto your laundry room floor if your drains get clogged. This will hurt your furniture and house, which is a shame.
  • If you notice that your washing machine doesn’t drain water smoothly, check the pump right away. You might need to replace or fix the hose on your machine every so often.
  • Check the pump often to see if it has any clogs, blocks, leaks, or broken impellers.
  • Keep referring to and studying the manufacturer’s diagram to understand how the washing machine’s drainage system works.
  • Check the water control system while your washing machine is being drained.


If you have the right washing machine drainage options, it’s easy to take care of a laundry room. To make sure laundry goes smoothly, it’s important to choose the best washing machine drainage option. With so many washing machine models and brands to choose from, you should also think about how the machine will be installed and how it will drain to avoid big problems in the future. Protection Status