If your windows are foggy, leaky, cracked, broken, or serving no other use, you may be debating whether to fix them or get new ones. The fact that money is a problem makes the decision much more difficult to make.

Given a choice between window glass replacement and repair, most homeowners would choose the latter. Whether you fix or replace your windows depends on how well you inspect the glass, the frame, and the seal. You may check over a few of these things to think about.

Guide to Deciding Whether Your Glass Needs Repair or Replacement

Determine the appropriate course of action depending on the problems you’re experiencing with your glass. Call your trusted handyman if your low-priced vinyl windows have seen better days, and get them replaced with something more modern. However, it’s better to have professional fix antique windows, particularly if they’re multi-paned, specialized, or made of aluminum.

Water Leakage or Foggy Glass

The glass or window seals may need to be replaced if you are experiencing a foggy pane of glass or if you find that your windows are leaking more than you would like. You may have a “blown” window if you see moisture or streaks between the glass. The windows only need to be fixed. A new sash is generally all that’s needed for this simple repair. 

Windows with Cracks or Breaks

Does this seem like the time-honored baseball-through-the-window dilemma? Do you think someone has broken into your house by smashing a window? Or maybe you have a window that has seen better days and needs replacing.

The glass that has been cracked, damaged, or completely shattered may be seen through the opening. You must resolve this unpleasant issue without delay; should it be repaired or replaced?

It would help if you replaced the glass, but the rest of the window may be salvaged or discarded depending on its condition. Replacing the glass is usually all needed for windows that are still in excellent overall condition or relatively new.

Drafty Windows

You may have felt the blips of air rushing in and out of your house via drafty windows. In addition to being unpleasant, this is detrimental to your safety and energy costs.

Caulking that has cracked or peeled, a sash that is no longer securely fastened, decayed timber, or even weather stripping that has worn out are common culprits.

Should you fix it or buy a new one if that’s the case? Fixing your glass is usually the best option. It may easily replace caulk to patch leaky seals cost-effectively. In most cases, replacing worn weather stripping is an easy and fast remedy.

To Fix or to Replace? What Action Should I Take?

You know your home well and can make the call on whether or not it’s ready for renovation. It would be best if you now had a good grasp of what has to be done, whether you require window repairs or replacements. Investing in new or upgraded windows is a terrific way to increase the value and comfort of your house. That’s why keeping your windows in excellent working order is so important.

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