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What is Fashion PR?

Fashion Public Relations or Fashion PR for short is referred to the promotion of garments such as clothing and accessory labels and brands through media channels like print (articles on official websites) broadcasts and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and the like.

Generally, fashion pr is associated with people working in fashion firms like Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle and more. There’s a lot that goes into fashion Pr, like editors, producers, reporters and writers. These days even A-list celebrities and influencers have become a part of fashion PR, promoting brands through vlogs, Instagram posts and stories.

How it Works

If you have watched shows like Emily in Paris, Fashion pr is easy to understand. It involves having a lot of connections and networking and being a socialite. Very often, high profile celebrities, influencers, and designers are approached since they can yield a lot of exposure through methods like reviewing products sent to them or writing about them, but sometimes upcoming fresh faces with a large following and who have the potential to make a breakthrough in the industry are also considered by emerging brands.

Attending high profile events is key for networking purposes like a lot of influential people in the fashion industry attend major events like award shows, fashion weeks, and shows as well as launches, music, and movie festivals where there is a lot of inspiration to take and a lot to write about. Making connections with such people also proves beneficial in the future when you need to promote a certain product and need extra assistance to publicize your goods at a higher level.

PR Agencies in LA

When we talk about Los Angeles fashion PR Agencies, there are a dime a dozen. LA, being the city that’s filled with glamor, fame, and wealth, it’s not a surprise that fashion PR agencies are easy to come by. Some well-known ones include

  • LAPR-

Los Angeles Public Relations is a PR agency that works on brand building, particularly in the fashion, cosmetics, and hospitality sectors. They use digital platforms for this and have their own website. Founded in 2016, offer full services for individual customer requirements and has even taken on freelancers. They have collaborated with top brands such as Shiseido, Jacob Lee, and Raquel Balencia. They also have influencers who are brand ambassadors of many well-known labels to optimize maximum exposure.

  • Eileen Coach-

Another established pr agency that’s been around for 31 long years, they deal pr with clients from all creative fields such as entertainment, music, fashion, beauty, modeling, celebrity stylists and athletes, restaurants, entrepreneurs, and more. Their talented and hard-working team of people includes journalists, brand management, social media, PR and marketing as well as the arts.

  • Michele Marie PR-

Voted for being amongst the top 3 Best PRs and Best Beverly Hills businesses for the last 10 years, this agency offers exceptional marketing via event planning, social media management, celebrity endorsements, editorial events, and store openings. Their clients include a vast array of premium designers, fashion beauty and accessory innovators as well as young talent. They have also worked with household brand names and are extremely good at what they do. Protection Status