Your data is your lifeblood. It keeps your business running, and you’re in trouble if it falls into the wrong hands. So, continue reading to learn some of the Office 365 security best practices.

Features of Microsoft 365 security and compliance

Microsoft 365 security and compliance offers comprehensive protection for data and devices. It provides the tools to secure your organization’s information while meeting compliance requirements. Here are some:

  1. Advanced threat protection: Protects against malware, phishing, and other threats.
  1. Data loss prevention: Helps prevent sensitive data from being leaked accidentally or intentionally.
  1. Mobile device management: This allows you to manage and secure mobile devices used by your employees.
  1. Information Rights Management: Helps you control how sensitive information is used and shared.
  1. Advanced eDiscovery: Enables you to search for and find electronic data for legal or compliance purposes.
  1. Security and compliance center: A centralized dashboard that visibility into your organization’s security and compliance posture.
  1. Azure Information Protection: Helps you classify and protect data stored in Azure.
  1. Intune: A mobile device management solution that helps you manage and secure mobile devices used by your employees. 
  1. Advanced Threat Analytics: Helps you detect and investigate sophisticated attacks targeting your organization.
  1. Microsoft Cloud App Security: Provides visibility into and control over the use of cloud apps in your organization.

Organizations today face a variety of security and compliance challenges. It is best to use an automation and configuration tool that can protect and secure your Microsoft 365 data. Using these features, you can help ensure that your organization is protected against the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Ways to keep your data safe

There are various factors to think about in terms of data security. Thankfully, there is a Microsoft 365 configuration and automation tool, Simeon Cloud, that will ensure your organization’s security remains enforced. Office 365 security is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes.

  1. Use Two-Factor Authentication

Asking you to provide a code from your mobile device to sign in offers an extra degree of protection. You can ensure that no one can access your account without your phone, even if they know your password.

  1. Create strong passwords

At least eight characters, mixed upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols should make up a strong password. Avoid using easily guessed words like your name or common phrases.

  1. Use a password manager

Use a password manager if you’re having problems coming up with secure passwords. This software stores your passwords in an encrypted format and can generate strong passwords for you.

  1. Keep your software up to date

Maintaining software updates is among the finest strategies to protect your data. This includes your operating system, web browser, and Office 365 security plugins. In addition, new updates often include security fixes for vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit.

  1. Avoid public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is one of the biggest security risks when using Office 365. Hackers can set up fake Wi-Fi networks that mimic legitimate ones, allowing them to intercept your data.

  1. Use Office 365 security features

Several Office 365 security features can help protect your data. These include things like two-factor authentication and data encryption. Take advantage of these features to help keep your account secure.

  1. Educate your employees

One of the best Office 365 security measures is to educate your employees about best practices. This includes password security, avoiding public Wi-Fi, and being aware of phishing scams. By educating your employees, you can help reduce the risks of security breaches.

  1. Implement Office 365 security policies

Implementing Office 365 security standards is something you should do in addition to educating your staff. These can include requiring strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and not sharing passwords with others. By implementing these policies, you can help further secure your data.

  1. Monitor Office 365 activity

Another Office 365 security measure is to monitor activity in your account. This can be done through the Office 365 security center. You can see recent login activity, unusual activity, and devices used to access your account.

  1. Use Office 365 security tools

There are several Office 365 security tools available that can help you protect your data. These include things like data loss prevention policies and mobile device management. By using these tools, the danger of data breaches can be decreased.


Security is essential when it comes to using Office 365. You can lessen the chances that your account will be stolen by taking steps to secure your data. Follow these tips to help keep your Office 365 data safe. Protection Status