Wanderlust is a perpetual thought on all our minds, but international travel can burn a hole in one’s pocket. Apart from dispensing money on hotels and flights, one also has to spend a neat amount procuring sim cards and paying for international calling. People spend months planning the perfect holiday only to realise that they may have to shell extravagant funds to contact their loved ones back home. But with the right amount of research, this article pertains to ideas that might help you skimp a few pennies by using sim only prepaid plans

Budget-friendly travelling must tick all boxes, including calling. Sim only prepaid plans offer optimal means for you to accommodate calling while planning an affordable holiday. 


The point below might help in reducing high international calling charges: 

1. Switch off the data roaming

Everyone who owns a cell phone has the nagging itch of keeping their mobile data on at all times. Phone addiction is formidable among youngsters and older people. They love mindlessly scrolling through social media, putting updates about their lives and viewing what others are up to. But these tendencies can contribute to high international sim charges, and switching one’s mobile data off is the only way to keep oneself in check. Remember that the sim card is for calling people and using it in times of need. In other moments, cherish your holiday and live each minute fully. Being on holiday must revolve around ditching our phones and laptops and taking everything else in. You are in a foreign destination, and you must savour it. Turning data off can kill two birds with one stone; avoid data roaming and allow you to focus on your holiday. After all, we have all our lives to be glued to those screens and indulge in social media. You can turn the data off by visiting your settings and turning it back when the need comes. 

2. Switch off auto-updates 

Our phone facilitates a feature known as an auto-update in everyday lives. It essentially means that the applications on your phone will update themselves when they are connected to the internet. This feature is harmless when you are connected to the WiFi or are sitting in your homes/office. But while travelling, it is surprising how much data can be used by the phone to update these applications. Plus, it is useless. So, remember to turn this feature off before departing for your holiday, or it may wreak havoc on the phone bill. You can also switch off your mobile data entirely in a Wi-Fi zone because of the available connectivity. Cafes and hotels might facilitate this service. 

3. Use applications that support Wi-Fi 

This might sound like a juxtaposition, but using social media applications like Skype, Instagram, Facebook, iMessage, and WhatsApp might be handy with a readily available Wi-Fi connection. It helps one steer clear of international calling charges. You can also share snippets of your holiday with loved ones and all for free. 


These are some tips that might help you use that international card feasibly and avoid high billing costs. You can share these with your friends and family to help them propagate a better travelling experience. 

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