User Experience is the key to gaining a high retention rate. And according to Zippia, 52% of users will ditch a company due to a bad mobile experience.

Giving website visitors a good online experience is synonymous with having a consumer satisfied with the services a brick-and-mortar store offers. Nowadays, website visitors are more enthusiastic about having a remarkable user experience and less forgiving of platforms giving them otherwise.

To guarantee favorable results from your web page, we’ll educate you on some tested and trusted means to improve user experience on your online platform.

1. Use Engaging Content

On the internet, content is king. 

Creating engaging content is the key to dominating the internet, grabbing users’ attention, and influencing preferences. The overall aesthetics and sentences on your website should tell the brand’s story and ensure that viewers feel compelled to take requisite actions. 

An engaging content strategy can be vlogs, blog articles, or service page copies. Through content, you can create an identity as an authority in your niche and make your website a trusted place for getting desired products or services. 

Consequently, familiarity improves trust. And the more your target audience trusts you, the more they use products or services on your website—statistics supporting this show that over 80% of consumers will trust an enterprise after reading its content.

2. Hire a Highly Talented UX Expert

Hire a UX designer with proven experience designing user-oriented websites for your target audience. 

However, finding top talents with expertise in user experience design can take time and effort. As such, you can outsource design to a software development agency. 

Software development agencies have a talent pool with expertise in UI/UX design, software development, QA testing, and other technical processes, so you can find UX designers for hire there. These experts have top-notch experience and have executed projects for firms across multiple niches. 

Thus, they have the experience to draft a top-notch user experience strategy to achieve desired results. 

3. Optimize Your Website

Optimize your website by ensuring it has a quick load time and is responsive on mobile phones. A survey by Google shows that websites with more than 3 seconds of load time will likely lose 52% of their users.

This consequently impacts revenue as consumers hardly make purchases from platforms with slow load time. It’s estimated that slow websites result in $2.6 billion yearly losses in sales. 

Mobile responsiveness and speed optimizations are easy to implement; you can use a web tool online or outsource to a seasoned web development agency like JayDevs

4. Request Minimal Information to Sign Up

The sign-up process should be easy, smooth, and logical. What do we mean by this? 

Ensure that users only need to submit minimal information, e.g., email address, and know why you’re requesting any additional information. 

We’re in a fast-paced society where everything goes on quickly. Thus, many prospective users will quit without taking the desired action if you have a long-form survey or signup form. 

5. Simple Navigation 

Ensure your website is structured to guide users to visit the relevant pages and essential products. Make sure that navigations are clear and descriptive enough, using appropriate icons and key phrases to keep visitors focused on the platform’s overall goal. 

Platform users should know where to go. If your website’s navigation is out of the normal, it can drive users away. 

6. Sectionalize your Website

Get rid of clutters by dividing your website into sections for easy focus, scanning, and optimization. It’s advisable to use distinct backgrounds for each section. 

Logically organize the content in each section–with the most vital piece of information coming first. Divide each content block into easy-to-grasp sections. 

7. Make Hyperlinks Different from Other Texts

Hyperlinks are links embedded within a website to guide users to other pages with supporting  information on a subject matter. They’re also used in SEO to build authority and point out the source of information. 

When using hyperlinks, ensure they’re visible. Most platforms’ default settings highlight hyperlinks; if this isn’t the default setting on your platform, then you should work on it. Make sure to use a color compatible with your brand and User Interface. You should also use long-form anchors, as they’re easily identified. Protection Status