The rise in electricity and water bills in the UK is affecting business owners. Looking past the financial side, everyone should take care of the environment by driving down usage across the board.

This guide will discuss the top three ways you can drive down business water rates in 2023. Unravel the best tips and tricks your business needs to save more water.

Understanding Business Water Rates

Every business is metered and monitored for its water usage, all of which you must pay for. This also includes the drainage of water and effluent (liquid waste) exerted from your premises.

Every business is different; some may naturally use more water than others. By carefully analysing your water bill, you can soon realise where excess water is being used and where you can save.

It doesn’t always just come down to your business; the supplier can play a part, too, by providing inefficient water billing and poor service. In this case, it would be time to switch to a more reputable supplier like Castle Water.

Now that you understand water rates in a business, here are a few ways to help your business cut down on its water rates. Continue reading to find out more.

Switch Business Water Supplier

As previously mentioned, sometimes the best thing you can do is switch to a more reputable water supplier who cares about the amount of water your business uses.
There are a few reasons why you might want to switch business water supplier; these include:

  • Cost: You may find a supplier that offers lower and better rates than your current one.
  • Service: You may find a supplier that provides a better well-rounded service.
  • Sustainability: Some suppliers offer more sustainable water practices, like water conservation programs. You may opt for a supplier that aligns best with your company’s values.
  • Quality: If your current water quality isn’t on par with what you would expect, a new supplier might solve that issue.
  • Contract Terms: A new supplier might offer more competitive terms and benefits.
  • Location: If your business has recently moved location, a new supplier can offer a better rate for that area.

These handful of reasons to consider switching business water suppliers are all key ways to help drive down water rates in the UK.

Make Use of Low-Flow Equipment

Water appliances tend to get left behind as businesses advance with new technology and inventions. Keeping your equipment up to date with the latest low-flow technology is vital in keeping those water bill costs down.

Low-flow equipment is any device designed to reduce water use compared to traditional equipment. They provide many benefits, including cost savings, environmental benefits, lessening drought impacts during summer months, and improving water quality.

Low-flow alternatives can be found in most water appliances like toilets, showerheads, faucets and irrigation systems.

It is well worth investing in new low-flow equipment to help keep the water usage low and, in turn, help your monthly bill out too. Not only that, but it is much better for conserving natural resources and environmental impact.

Fix and Prevent Leaks

It may seem minor, but even the smallest leaks can cost businesses thousands per year and are a major source of water waste across the UK.

  • Identifying and fixing them is extremely beneficial and will help save your business much-needed capital.
    Not only does it cost money, but it can cause property damage too by causing water damage to walls and floors or even causing fire hazards where electricity is involved. It should always be well within your interest to cut these out as quickly as possible.
    There are a few things you can do to help prevent leaks:
  • Regularly inspect pipes and plumbing: Regular checks can help identify potential issues before they arise.
  • Replace old or damaged pipes: This will reduce the chance of pipes breaking or causing leaks.
  • Invest in a water monitoring system: Some suppliers will offer a monitoring system to help detect any small, unusual changes in the water flow and bring it to your attention.
  • Regular water audits: A full analysis of your premises from water experts.
  • By taking these steps, you can help reduce the chance of leaks occurring in the business and protect against any potential property damage.
In Summary

Saving water is important for cost savings, environmental protection, and many other benefits. Every business should strive to save more water, help drive down those water rates, and do their bit for the environment.

Hopefully, these three quick tips have inspired you to incorporate new ideas into the workplace. How many water-saving practices do you have in your business? Protection Status