The concept of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) has revolutionized the way startups and businesses launch their products. An MVP is basically a version of a product that has only enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future development. This allows companies to quickly test out ideas, get valuable customer insights, and iterate on their product before releasing it in its full form.


The success stories of some popular MVPs are nothing short of amazing—Airbnb, Dropbox, Uber, Slack, Zappos, Instagram, Waze Groupon Facebook, and Twitter are just a few examples that have become household names today thanks to successful initial launches using MVP strategy. Let’s dive into this article by Eleken and take a closer look at how these pioneers achieved success with their minimal viable products!


1. Airbnb – The Home Rental Platform

At the very top of our list is Airbnb, the transformative home rental platform that has revolutionized the way people travel. By connecting homeowners with travelers, Airbnb allows vacationers to get unique accommodations in new cities for more affordable prices than hotels and resorts. Starting off as just a fun side project for its two aspiring founders, Airbnb has now grown into an international giant with over four million listings across 81,000 cities and 191 countries. Renowned for being one of the most successful MVPs to date, this company exemplifies what remarkable success can come from a modest idea.

2. Dropbox – Online File Storage and Sharing

If there’s one success story that completely shattered expectations, it is undoubtedly the case of Dropbox. Founded in 2007, Dropbox went from a small file storage and sharing service to being valued at over $10 billion. How could this be achieved?

  • By using the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach to development that focused on consumers’ needs and satisfaction levels.
  • A simple cloud-based platform was created, allowing users to store their files and access them anywhere, anytime.
  • This initial product was tested and improved upon until they achieved their ambitious goals.

Today, Dropbox is known throughout the world as a leading provider of storage services and continues to offer both individuals and businesses unprecedented value for money with its various plans. It’s no wonder that it finds itself second on the list of notable MVP successes!

3. Uber – Ride-Hailing Service

It’s hard to deny the success Uber has had since their successful debut as an MVP in 2009. The ride-hailing service has certainly become one of the top revolutionary companies in the tech industry, having been worth tens of billions of dollars and operating in over 700 cities worldwide. It is a testament to their incredible MVP implementation that they’ve grown at an astonishing rate, dominating the market in just a decade. With an efficient platform that lets customers order cars on demand and a convenient payment system integrated right into the app, it’s no wonder why so many have come to rely on this essential modern convenience.

4. Slack – Business Communication Tool

At the fourth spot in our top 10 successful MVP examples is Slack, an amazing business communication tool that has powered countless teams for instant messaging, file sharing, and more. It gained rapid popularity when it was first launched back in 2013 and continues to power collaboration between remote teams and across multiple departments. What we love about Slack is:

  • its simple interface
  • support third-party integrations
  • data encryption capabilities that allow businesses to securely communicate with their customers
  • it’s also quite affordable compared to alternatives and subscription plans can scale based on your team size.

There’s no wonder why so many people have relied on Slack as their go-to communication platform!

5. Zappos – Online Shoe Retailer

Zappos, an online shoe retailer founded in 1999, created an incredibly successful MVP to launch its platform. Instead of having to build a complete inventory of shoes with all the different sizes and colors, they initially focused on selling just one product. The strategy worked – customers were impressed by the brand’s commitment to customer service, even if it was just one model of Nike shoe until more items could be added. By staying true to its focus on customer satisfaction, Zappos was able to become the powerhouse international retailer it is today!

6. Instagram – Photo and Video Sharing App

At number six among the top 10 successful MVP examples for product development is Instagram. Before becoming the most popular photo and video-sharing app around, Instagram started as a location-based service in 2010. It allowed users to check in to specific locations, follow their friends’ posts and post their own photos. With its emphasis on visual storytelling, people quickly found it more entertaining than other location-based services and it began to gain traction. From there, it proceeded to perfectly refine its mission, leading many companies now to look up to its example as an incredibly successful MVP story.

7. Waze – GPS Navigation App

Number 7 on the list of successful MVP examples is Waze, a GPS navigation app that provides users with real-time traffic updates and navigational assistance. What was previously only achievable using complex machinery and maps is now conveniently available in the palm of your hand. Waze first began as a small startup in Israel, launching their product to relatively little fanfare. However, employing a predictable but effective approach to growing their user base involved developing an engaging localized experience and sharing it through word of mouth and reliance on social media. This innovative strategy clearly paid off since they eventually gained notoriety and in 2013 they were acquired by Google for over 1 billion dollars!

8. Groupon – Coupon Marketplace 

Groupon is the 8th most successful MVP example for product development. Groupon’s unique approach was to establish the world’s first digital coupon marketplace. It aimed to create value for customers by providing discounts on various services and products while offering a new way to increase visibility for local businesses. The company achieved massive success and has since branched out into a variety of other commercial services. Today, they are one of the leading global online marketplaces and offer a wide range of deals and discounts on everything from food delivery to travel packages. It’s really fascinating how much Groupon has grown in just a few short years, proving that it is indeed an exceptional MVP for product development

Top 10 Successful MVP Examples For Product Development

9. Facebook – Social Networking Site  

Facebook is a great example of how an MVP can not only result in a successful product but also go down in history as one of the most influential for societal change and business operations. Mark Zuckerberg created a minimal website to quickly get feedback from users, with basic features such as status posting and friend connection management. Over the years, Facebook’s evolution has offered plenty of opportunities for other businesses to capitalize on. As one of the few companies that have soared to success despite its humble beginnings, Facebook is definitely worthy of the title: “top-notch MVP.”

10. Twitter – Microblogging Platform

Number 10 on the list of highly successful MVP examples is the microblogging platform, Twitter. Founded in 2006, Twitter has quickly become one of the most widely used social media networks in the world, allowing users to post short messages or “tweets” as they are colloquially known. With its core premise being so simple yet so powerful at highlighting what its users are thinking and feeling around the globe, it’s no wonder that Twitter has proven itself as an invaluable asset for businesses wishing to target and expand their market. So if you’re ever looking for a surefire way to bring your product development ideas to life, take a cue from this superstar MVP and see how far it can take you!


In conclusion, it’s easy to see that many successful MVPs have gone on to become some of the most successful products in their respective industries. These examples demonstrate the power of product development and how an MVP can be used to test the market before investing too heavily into a product. From Waze’s use of localized experiences and social media to Facebook’s wave of social change, these MVPs have certainly paved the way for innovative product development. So next time you have a brilliant idea, don’t be afraid to put your MVP into action and see how far it can take you! Good luck! Protection Status