Microsoft Azure consists of more than 200 products and services designed to help corporations and organizations create innovative solutions to solve modern business challenges and streamline enterprise operations. It’s a comprehensive cloud computing platform that can take time to learn properly, especially if you are a novice developer or system operator.   

To get a better understanding of Azure and its industry-leading capabilities and features, you can consult with Azure specialists to assist you in finding the right solution. Furthermore, Azure offers a seamless and flexible product suite of tools and frameworks that help to build, run, and manage versatile applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, or a hybrid combination of both—known as the hybrid cloud.

The Learning Curve: How Easy Is it?

Since Microsoft Azure is structured as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), its triple-tier business model does have a learning curve. The platform offers everything an enterprise needs for running a variety of functions such as virtual computing, data storage, networking, analytics, and database management. 

If you are willing to learn the system, it is easier if you are a Windows administrator because Azure is a Windows cloud platform that does not require you to learn anything new. According to Microsoft, it’s straightforward to construct a hybrid environment by combining on-premises Windows services with cloud instances. Azure’s compatibility and flexibility also make it easy to integrate with SQL databases and Active Directory.

Microsoft Azure Training Modules and Certifications

Whether you are a complete beginner and just getting familiar with cloud computing software or an experienced system administrator, Microsoft offers learning tools and modules to help you reach your goals faster and improve your knowledge of Azure, no matter your level. 

You can customize your learning path by filling out a questionnaire on the Microsoft Learn platform to gauge your interests and skill set. After answering the questions, the system will recommend modules for you so you can begin your learning journey from the beginning or jump in the middle for more experienced users.  

Microsoft offers three learning features:


Learn at Your Own Pace

Explore a topic of interest through guided paths or learn how to accomplish a specific task through individual modules.


Become System Certified

Get ahead in your career and demonstrate your achievements through industry-recognized Microsoft certifications.


Watch Live and Recorded Events

View streaming technical content about Microsoft products from the experts who build and use them every day.

Informative Live Streams and Industry Events

Microsoft is committed to growing and nurturing an environment where fellow developers, technologists, data scientists, system administrators, and others can gather together and thrive in an active online community that fosters learning and collaboration. From Microsoft’s event page, you can join upcoming live events and watch past events delivered by the technical community and Microsoft experts.

One-of-a-Kind Learning Opportunities

Learn Live: FastTrack for Azure

Learn from expert Azure engineers as they walk you through hands-on exercises and product demos to help you improve your knowledge of Azure and enable you to be a better operator or developer. This interactive and on-demand series covers a variety of Azure solution areas directly requested by customers and lets you ask questions by using the #fasttrack-azure tag in Q&A. Protection Status