Are you looking to generate leads for your business? About 80% of the marketing-generated leads get ignored or lost. Implementing the innovative Lead Management System will generate and capture new leads. Having a proper lead management system is suitable for your business. You easily improve the leads without losing sales. You can easily supercharge your sales with the privyr enabling personalized auto content. These also give you better interest tracking with easy follow-ups.

Built For Your Business:

Privyr especially is suitable for sales and marketing professionals to easily generate leads. Lead Management strategy is the perfect option for accessing and converting the leads even from the Laptop or mobile.

These strategies have been used in a wide number of professions, even across every industry. Lead can be easily sent from marketing to sales. These would be an excellent way for the customer to make a quick purchase of the product or services even without any hassle.  

The Lead Management method is the best option for small businesses, solopreneurs, and marketers. Innovative CRM especially connects with popular lead sources such as Google, WordPress, Facebook, TikTok, and many more.

These would be completely working for tracking more customers. These are also a superior way for sending SMS, WhatsApp, phone calls, and email.

Gaining Facebook Leads:

Based on a recent report, there are more than 2.11 Billion people who are potentially reachable through Facebook advertising. The main reason is that there are about 10 million active advertisers that could be seen on Facebook as of 2023.

More than 34.1% of adults across the world are more than the age of 13 using Facebook advertisements. Implementing the lead systems on Facebook will be a convenient way to reach more numbers of customers.

It is convenient to get instant new lead alerts through this CRM. You can easily receive the notification through SMS, WhatsApp, or even email. Businesses can easily contact their Facebook leads through this method.

Privyr has been built for easily increasing sales and marketing using Facebook Lead Ads. As of 2023, Facebook has more than 2.96 billion monthly active users, which is about a 2% increase year-over-year. 

The daily active user number on Facebook has been increasing every day. Implementing Facebook Lead Ads will be a great way to easily reach them without using any complex setup. The method would provide better aspects for accessing, contacting, and converting the leads even from their Laptop or mobile.

Gaining Targeted Leads:

Lead Management from social media such as Facebook can be a powerful targeting option. These will be a suitable option for reaching potential customers. Enabling the targeting power is also an efficient way to capture the lead information. 

These would help the small business to get more customers. Facebook lead ads will be a suitable option for driving better conversions. These also empower targeted prospects in a meaningful manner. Targeting Facebook lead ads are the perfect option for the brand to make a quick conversion strategy.

WordPress Websites:

In the modern day, many WordPress websites have heavily relied on Ads to make money online. WordPress is also not an easier option for managing advertisements online.

Many WordPress themes even do not have dedicated spots for displaying the Ads. It will be a convenient option for editing the theme files. These would give a better way for inserting the Ad codes in the website.

Business Sales

WordPress Ad management plugin is an amazing option for inserting Ads anywhere on the website. It lets you optimize Ad placement along with making the ads reach higher positions. Privyr is also the best CRM for your WordPress leads, and it will be suitable for saving you time.

Make Conversions Easy:

Enabling the ad management WordPress plugins will be a suitable way to boost earnings. These also support hosted Ads, such as banner Ads with external ad networks such as Google Adsense. 

It will be a suitable option for gaining powerful features such as:

  • Ads scheduling
  • Inserting a single Ads
  • Ads groups
  • Monitoring views and stats

It is convenient to create the Ads much easier by adding custom widgets, buttons on the post editor, or even shortcodes. These would give a better way for inserting the Ads blocking with specific posts on WordPress. The process easily allows the optimization of the ads performance even without changing WordPress theme files.

TikTokLead Generation:

TikTok is one of the largest used platforms across the world. About 54.1% of TikTok users across the world are female, but 45.9% of them are male. More than 62% of people use TikTok, spending more time on this platform. 

The lead management using this platform is quite an efficient option for easily improving sales. These enhance your business strategies by reaching more active users in TikTok.


Lead Ads can automatically increase your business ROI. Your business can easily display the lead ads to a targeted audience. This makes it simple to attain greater ROI in social media advertising campaigns. Protection Status