Do you believe that technology is nothing but a boon for current generations? 

Well, you will be surprised to learn that the smart devices meant to make our lives easier have caused severe unidentified addiction, especially in teens and younger kids. And this addiction not only affects their academics, career, and future but also causes symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

The negative impact of technology is making youth vulnerable to mental issues. To address the elephant in the room, we must first analyze how this unalarming addition to life is a cause of concern. Comprehending the cause can aid in resolving the issue, much like obtaining assistance from academic help services to “pay for homework” and obtain CPM homework help answers from skilled professionals helps students in resolving their assignments.

5 Ways Technology Makes Students Anxious

Excessive Use of Technology Creates Addictive Patterns

There were times when kids used to run out to playgrounds with friends after finishing homework. In every activity, there was a slow release of dopamine, which comes from the feeling of achievement

Dopamine, the feel-good chemical, is now easily triggered by the use of social media and gives instant gratification. The kids eventually get addicted to their devices and don’t find the will to engage in other health-benefiting activities anymore. 

Consequently, they start to feel a compulsive urge to use more and more social media, scroll feeds, and watch reels without realizing how many hours have gone by. By the end of the day, the guilt of not doing anything productive creeps in, followed by more demotivation and an increased urge to use social media. 

This loop results in disruptive isolation, poor sleep, and anxiety. The problem is it is hard to put your finger on the exact problem when you see such patterns in your kids. 

Over-Stimulation Through Gaming Triggers Aggression

High-intensity games are meant to give you an adrenaline rush, so much so that the player starts to immerse in the emotions despite events happening in the imaginary world. On top of that, Metaverse has created an even more immersive experience that engages maximum brain cells. Studies are yet to point to the exact mechanism and cause that triggers aggression while playing video games, but the effects are evident. 

The primary area of concern is violent games, such as Postal 2, PubG, and Manhunt. Such games stimulate anger and hostile behavior, desensitizing kids to violence. These negative emotions often linger long after the game is played, causing stress and anxiety. 

Additionally, the competition and abusive conversations in interactive games add to the pressure and frustration. All these messed-up emotions lead to poor sleep, irritability, and impatience. The sad part is that parents are often unaware of the impact of online gaming. 

Cyberbullying Makes It More Detrimental for Kids & Teens

Let’s face the fact that with Tiktok, Insta Reels, and YouTube Shorts, everyone thinks that becoming popular is a cakewalk. The hunger for fame, external validation, and perhaps easy money encourages students to join the race. Many young individuals easily fall for influencer culture that banks on followers, likes, and comments. 

However, what many users don’t realize is people feel more confident behind screens. It has become very common to troll someone on social media, post negative comments, make memes out of someone’s content, and make their lives miserable. Many people don’t feel accountable for the consequences of their actions on the internet. 

As a result, cyberbullying has emerged as a burning issue. Social media has exposed kids to an apathetic world, which impacts their mental state. First, the constant impulsion to check views, likes, and comments, followed by disappointment upon negative comments and harassing DMs, contribute to anxiety in many students. 

Students Remain Unprepared for Real-Life Uncertainties

Life is unfair in all its glory. And the worst part is today’s kids are not prepared for real-life. Technology has overshadowed uncertainties. You have Google to answer every doubt, maps to ensure you are heading the right way, and message, voice, and video call features to connect with people anytime, anywhere. 

Additionally, voice assistants like Alexa are available on commands. You don’t even need to get up to switch off lights or play music on music systems. People who don’t own these high-end luxuries are also in the same boat because of the most convenient device called a smartphone. 

This ease of life in a self-controlled environment makes people delicate. Since kids have little to no experience in handling adverse situations, they break when uncertainties in real life arise, from difficult jobs to ruthless competition in the corporate world and betrayals from friends to heartbreak in love matters. All such situations cause extreme anxiety to students who are not prepared to face the world. 

Lack of Socialization Results in Isolation and Social Anxiety

Technology and convenience have reduced face-to-face human interactions, especially for kids and teens. Ironically, in a world connected through the internet, we have stepped back from real-life human interactions. 

One side of this isolation comes from the comfort of getting things on command and not needing to step out for necessities. For example, you can order food online, pay bills through apps, carry out banking on smartphones, and even shop online. 

Since there are almost zero human encounters, your kids won’t learn to deal with uncomfortable emotions that come with social interactions. People now ghost others in order to avoid conflicts instead of confronting and resolving matters. 

The most common outcome of ditching social discomfort is low self-esteem. So, when these students need to appear for face-to-face interviews or life-altering situations, they feel anxious. They might even refrain from grabbing opportunities due to the lack of confidence. 

Final Thoughts

You can’t force your kids to give up gadgets. One, the forced restriction would invite rebellion. And two, the integration of technology into education is inevitable. Hence, the best way is to educate them. Instead of compelling them to do things your way, help them understand the good and bad aspects and encourage them to create boundaries for themselves. 

As a parent, you can also set up an environment that encourages offline activities and interaction in a fun way. For example, you can plan outings with extended family members, encourage your children to go out and meet their friends in person, and get them to join sports classes. 

Also, build a friendly bond with them so that in case they ever fall victim to cyber harassment, they can speak up. If needed, don’t shy away from seeking professional help. Protection Status