Email marketing is timeless as a marketing channel, although we are in 2022, pondering over crypto, DeFi, AR/VR, reusable rockets, and ozone layer healing. All of these things were either considered as fads or simply didn’t exist when emails started taking over the Internet-based communications landscape back in the 80s. It is, in fact, the most effective and trustworthy digital marketing channel as it returns $42 for every buck that you invest. But, how is it evolving design-wise in 2022 and beyond? Let’s learn about the email design trends that you must look for in Mailchimp or Sendgrid templates this year:

#1 Minimalism

One of the benefits of minimalist email design is its simplicity. It saves on overhead costs for marketing campaigns and is highly efficient. The main purpose of using a minimal email signature is to communicate a clear message with a simple design. 


Since minimal emails contain only a single or two elements, users can focus on the most important part of the email, which is the call-to-action. Moreover, they are easier to read than emails with multiple links or CTAs. Thus, by using a minimalist email design, marketers can improve lead generation and click-throughs. 


Minimal design language makes it easier for email developers to experiment with different design elements. Another benefit of minimalism is its ability to encourage reader engagement. As the name suggests, this design style eliminates unnecessary clutter, which helps you attract a larger audience. 

#2 Dark Mode

Dark Mode became mainstream across applications and emails, and we find that it is a trend that’s likely to continue into the next decade. Dark mode email design is not only easier on the eyes, but it also looks aesthetically beautiful like the one below:

Email Design Trends We Foresee For 2022

One of the strongest arguments behind Dark Mode adoption is the fact that most people have hours of long screen time, which is similar to the IT employees who first used Dark Mode in the 90s as it is less taxing to the eyes. Thus, using it can be potentially beneficial in improving your email metrics as it aligns your message with the user preferences. 

However, you will need to take care of basics such as designing images with transparent backgrounds, altering your brand elements to blend with the Dark Mode email design, and optimizing your Sendgrid templates to function across email clients, including MS Outlook through proper email coding.

#3 Animations

Using animations in email design is an effective way to convey the idea of a product, service, or concept. It has been shown to improve open rates and click-through rates by as much as 42%. The same study also revealed that emails incorporating GIFs have a 103% increase in conversion rate and revenue. Although using animations requires strategic planning, they are quickly becoming one of the most popular methods of increasing the open rate of an email. 

Animations can be a great way to personalize an email, but they should be used sparingly. The problem with using animated GIFs in email design is that they can cause a large increase in loading time. People with vision impairments and color blindness may not be able to see the text, which means they won’t read your message. So, use animations wisely. 

Also, animations don’t necessarily mean GIFs- you can use cinemagraphs, APNGs, and CSS3 animations, too, so make sure you pick the file type that suits your overall email strategy.

#4 Illustrations

Adding illustrations can enhance your email design while keeping your content fresh yet limited. For example, you can include a speech bubble or a cartoon to convey the idea behind a new product. You can also use these images to create an appealing image for a financial or advisory business. Moreover, they can be used to add personality to your email content. 

The good thing is that you can use the same illustration over again. You can also re-edit the illustration to match changing needs. You can even include smart art elements such as characters and objects in your emails. 

If your requirements change in the futurez you can modify them without redesigning your entire email. Furthermore, illustrations can be used to showcase different uses of a product or service. They are less distracting. This is also one of the most cost-effective options for email design when compared to using real production-spec videos.

#5 Gradients

There are several advantages to using gradients in email design. First, they can enhance the visual appeal of your emails as they defy conventional design approaches like monochrome and contrasting color palettes as seen in the below example:

Email Design Trends We Foresee For 2022

Since it resembles the hues on Instagram and the old-school posters, a gradient can improve your email’s visual appeal. As long as you’re careful and don’t overdo it, gradients can have a variety of benefits. 

Besides being an effective noway to add depth to flat designs, gradients can make solid color backgrounds more interesting. They also can be used as overlays to make the design more attractive. These feature-driven benefits of using gradients in email design will surely help your email stand out from the crowd, helping your readers remember your email for a long time.

#6 Micro Interactions

One of the things we email designers can learn from social media is the power of micro-interactions. Their effectiveness comes from the fact that they are extremely useful for channelizing navigation flows while making the reader feel that their actions have an immediate result. 

This can be as simple as providing hovering effects or single-question polls as they keep the users engaged and involved without demanding too much attention and effort. 

These email styles are effective ways to increase subscribers, customer loyalty, and click-through rates. Today, an average individual has become more efficient in digital data consumption than ever before, so it’s critical to create designs that capture readers’ attention quickly and keep them reading. In addition to simplifying email consumption, these email design trends will help you create an engaging, effective experience for your customers. Have a look at this infographic if you’re looking for more insight into the topic:

Author: Kevin George is the head of marketing at Email Uplers, that specializes in crafting Professional Email Templates, PSD to Email conversion, and Mailchimp Templates. Kevin loves gadgets, bikes & jazz, and he breathes email marketing. He enjoys sharing his insights and thoughts on email marketing best practices on email marketing blogs. Protection Status